Rental Information

Throughout the year, Icebox Project Space is available to host performances, exhibitions, talks, workshops, rehearsals, film shoots and more.
What are the rental rates for using Icebox Project Space?
You can find the rental rates in this document.
What is included in the rental?
Rentals include preparing a clean and clear gallery space and setting up a basic sound system, if necessary. Specialized equipment (including lights, projectors, dancefloors etc.) will cost extra for install and deinstall. An Icebox staff person will be present at your event for assistance but is not responsible for running the event (selling tickets at the door, coordinating artists, hiring a sound person, etc.)
What is the capacity of the gallery?
Depending on the setup of your event, Icebox Project Space can accommodate 200-250 standing occupants.
How late can my event run?
Events must end at 11pm.
What if I can't afford the rental rates?
If you cannot afford the rental rate, please consider grant or outside funding to support your event. If that is not available, please contact us and we will see if we can accommodate your request.